Current Events at Sacred Heart
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am - English
Misa del Domingo: 12:30pm - Español
Weekday Mass (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am
12:10pm Monday and Wednesday
Livestream available for Daily mass 8:00am and Sunday at 10:30 y 12:30 on our YouTube Channel and Facebook.
Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am - English
Misa del Domingo: 12:30pm - Español
Weekday Mass (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am
12:10pm Monday and Wednesday
Livestream available for Daily mass 8:00am and Sunday at 10:30 y 12:30 on our YouTube Channel and Facebook.
Rectory Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
CLOSED Saturday & Sunday
CLOSED Saturday & Sunday
Saturday: 11:00 am-12pm
Also by appointment.
Please call (973) 748-1800
The Catholic Churches of Bloomfield (Sacred Heart, St. Valentine, & St. Thomas the Apostle) host on a rotating basis seasonal Penance Services, for both Advent and Lent.
Additionally, Sacred Heart affords additional weekly opportunities during the season of Lent. Consult the online calendar or the bulletin for place, date and time.